Topcoder Cognitive Community
Join the world’s premier cognitive community and get hands-on experience with today’s most cutting-edge technologies and business challenges.

IBM Bluemix is Now IBM Cloud!

“Cognitive computing is the next wave of software development, and for good reason! The mantra of mobile-first is now being replaced by AI-first, and consumer dependency on smartphones will soon be replaced by a dependency on cognitive computing — ranging from voice controls and natural language parsing to bots. Developers with this skill set will be in high demand.”
Dave Messinger
Topcoder VP of Product Architecture & Global Developer Community Director
Joining the Cognitive Community is Simple
Topcoder and IBM have partnered to bring you all the resources you need to excel with today’s cognitive technologies, like IBM Watson, AI, and chatbots. And in order to participate in cognitive challenges on Topcoder, you’ll need to deploy your code to IBM Cloud.
Also, be sure to check out the cognitive computing zone on IBM developerWorks. There you’ll find how-to content and community expertise to help you succeed with your own cognitive apps and solutions, and get more information on machine learning and AI.
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